The «Aydar» have twins — deputy commander of the battalion

Deputy Commander of the volunteer battalion «Aydar» Valentin Liholit said his battalion was intentionally discredited. «Guidelines of Ukraine is afraid that volunteer battalions can turn on Kiev if the Verkhovna Rada will not work properly», said Liholit. «I want to tell you that there are two

NATO has seen an increase in Russian troops near Ukrainian border

NATO has seen an increase in Russian troops and equipment along the Ukraine border and is looking into reports of Russian tanks crossing the border into eastern Ukraine, a NATO military officer said on Friday. «We are aware of the reports of Russian troops and tanks crossing the border between

A column of 32 tanks crosses from Russia into Ukraine

A column of 32 tanks, 16 howitzer artillery systems and trucks carrying ammunition and fighters has crossed into eastern Ukraine from Russia, the Kiev military said on Friday. «The deployment continues of military equipment and Russian mercenaries to the front lines,» spokesman Andriy Lysenko said

Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is preparing to attack from Russia

Deputy of Defence Minister Peter Mehedi told reporters that the Ukrainian exploration confirms the increase in the number of Russian troops in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, and their congestion at the border. There was included a session of the NSDC in this regard. Now the situation is analyzed

Ukrainian military unswervingly adhere to the Minsk Agreement

Ukrainian military unswervingly adhere to the Minsk Agreement. Security forces didn’t violate the protocol and remain at definite boundaries, observation and strong points. Soldiers take no action to destabilize the situation in the east of the country. Also press center has reminded that

Kiev: Battalion «Aydar» have captured the helipad of Yanukovych

Battalion «Aydar» have captured the data center «Parkovy» which is located in a building of the same name congress exhibition center with the famous «helipad of Yanukovych» on the roof. Soldiers have seized documents and called SBU investigators and prosecutors to make the investigation. According

Two kids were killed by shelling in Donetsk

Two kids were killed by shelling while out playing on a school sports field in the rebel-controlled city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday, the city’s administration said. The deaths came a day after a separatist leader was sworn in as head of a self-proclaimed ‘people’s republic’ in

Strelkov (Girkin): Separatists have lost the battle for “Novorossia”

Russian military pesonnel and ex-commander of the terrorists in the Donbas Igor (Strelkov) Girkin considers that the West and Ukraine together have perfectly played. Now they have won the battle for “Novorossia”. “I consider that the West has done a great job. I’m not talking about Ukraine now. To

Ukrainian border guards detained the Russian military

Employees of Ukrainian State Border Service continue to perform monitoring tasks in safety strip along the fight clashes. Yesterday, November 2, near the settlement Pesky (Donetsk Region), border guards stopped the car «VAZ» without number plates. There were two Russian citizens in that car. The

Russian actor paid $ 50,000 for «safari» on civilian in Ukraine

SBU announced that Russian actor Michael Porechenkov arranged a safari and shot civilians in Donbas, said advisor of the head of the SBU Markiyan Lubkovsky. Allegedly Porechenkov Porechenkov «was hunting on Kiev Avenue in the Donetsk city”. “We have evidence that Porechenkov arranged a safari and

Russian soldier: Shoot the refugees — it was an order

The Russian soldier said that when he was in the Rostov region, he was ordered to shoot at refugees. Russian news agency “PenzaInform” published video which shows the presentation of the medal «For the return of the Crimea”. In this video tree residents of Penza became the owners of the new award,

Five Ukrainian regions were marked as Russian territory on maps of Russia’s General Staff

Russian military get topographic maps where Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odessa regions are designated as Russia. Political commentator Alexander Kochetkov shared this information in his blog. “Putin, Shoigu and Lavrov solved the problem of legalization of the Russian military who “got

In Minsk, protesters chanted pro-Ukrainian slogans

There was march dedicated to the Memory’s Day of victims of political repression in Minsk, Belarus. Protesters chanted pro-Ukrainian slogans among Belorussian. Participants of procession were carrying Ukrainian flags, chanting «Glory to Belarus», «Glory to Ukraine», «and Glory to the nation.» The

Blast rocked the checkpoint in east Ukraine

(Mariupol, Eastern Ukraine) – Blast rocked the checkpoint near Mariupol, when Ukrainian soldiers checked documents of the driver of a civilian car. Four people were injured, said Mariupol City Council. “Possibly unknown were trying to smuggle the explosives through the checkpoint”, said spokesman