The «Aydar» have twins — deputy commander of the battalion

The «Aydar» have twins — deputy commander of the battalion
Deputy Commander of the volunteer battalion «Aydar» Valentin Liholit said his battalion was intentionally discredited.
«Guidelines of Ukraine is afraid that volunteer battalions can turn on Kiev if the Verkhovna Rada will not work properly», said Liholit.
«I want to tell you that there are two battalions» Aydar. There is a battalion that all the time is on the hostilities at the forefront — near Schastye. The second stands near Polovinkino — this is a reserve. And then there are others, businessmen, they are held in Kiev. People come with guns, it is unknown how they are carrying a weapon from the ATO «, — informed Liholit.
«But the main question is, who covers these people,» — said Liholit.

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