Stoltenberg sees ‘serious military buildup’ in Ukraine

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg denounced on Tuesday what he called a serious Russian military buildup both inside Ukraine and on the Russian side of the border and urged Moscow to pull back its troops. Stoltenberg said NATO saw movement of troops, equipment, tanks, artillery and also of

Lavrov sees no chance of breakthrough on Ukraine in German minister’s visit

Germany’s foreign minister said he would assess the chances of making progress to end the crisis in Ukraine during talks in Moscow on Tuesday but Russia said it saw no chance of a breakthrough. Violence is in the rise again in eastern Ukraine despite a more than two-month-old ceasefire, and Kiev

Ukraine has no plans to sign new documents on the Donbas

Ukraine has no plans to sign any new documents to resolve the situation in the Donbass as long as Minsk agreement will be executed. The speaker of the Information Centre of the National Security Council Andrei Lysenko said about this at the today briefing. «Protocol which was signed in Minsk on

Donbass is the most dangerous place in the world, — Ukrainian President

Petro Poroshenko noted that currently the Donbass is the most dangerous place in the world. Ukrainian President considers that the situation in the east of Ukraine is more dangerous than the Middle East now. “This conflict has turned the Donbass into the most dangerous place of the world, even more

EU unlikely will discuss new steps against Russia today

European Union governments may agree to impose personal sanctions on more Russian-backed rebels on Monday in response to a separatist vote in eastern Ukraine, but are unlikely to discuss new steps against Russia itself until mid-December, officials said. EU foreign ministers discussed how to

Obama: Russia would remain isolated by the international community

U.S. President Barack Obama said on Sunday that Russia would remain isolated by the international community if President Vladimir Putin continued to violate international law in Ukraine, some of his toughest remarks yet on the crisis. Putin has come under intense pressure from other leaders at this

Ukraine is going to close state offices, bank services in the East

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko issued several decrees on Saturday to shut state institutions and banking services in pro-Russian eastern regions, pressing a move to cut links with the rebel-held territory. Ukraine has cut all state funding to separatist parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions

Yatseniuk: Ukraine’s main task is to build army to stop Russia

Ukraine’s top priority is to build an army strong enough to stop Russian military aggression, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk said on Friday, as the country’s military reported more deaths in a separatist conflict. «Building an army, which is capable of stopping aggression from Russia, is

Kiev accused separatists of preparing for renewed conflict in east Ukraine

Kiev accused separatists of preparing for renewed conflict in east Ukraine on Tuesday by bringing in «Russian mercenaries» and rearming as heavy shelling increased strains on a crumbling ceasefire. In Berlin, the European Union’s foreign affairs chief said the bloc’s foreign ministers would discuss

Ukraine needs 4-5 years to regain control over the Donbas

The conflict in the Donbas is protracted nature and Ukraine will be able to restore control over the occupied territories after 4-5 years. The adviser to the chairman of the Security Service Markiyan Lubkivsky said about this on press-briefing. “This conflict is protracted and it’s impossible to

President Poroshenko wants to stop the war

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said on his Twitter that he wants to stop the war. Ukrainian Supreme Commander does not want to give a chance to start a third world war. «96 years ago the First World War was ended. I want to stop the war. I don’t want give a chance to someone to start the

Putin blames Ukraine for obstructing MH17 inquiry

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday accused Ukraine’s government of interfering with the investigation into the downing of a Malaysia Airlines jet in July that killed 298 people. Independent investigators have had little access to the wreckage of flight MH17 in territory in eastern Ukraine

Kiev will host the inaugural meeting of the EU-Ukraine Association

Ukraine will be represented by all members of the Cabinet of Ministers and EU will be represented by European politicians. The first meeting of the Association Council EU-Ukraine held on December 15 in Kiev, said the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers Ostap Semerak at briefing today. According to

Poroshenko considers volunteer battalions as domestic threat

President of Ukraine considers volunteer battalions as domestic threat. Apparently, the Poroshenko is still considering the battalions not so much as an element of the security system but as a factor of internal political threat. Recall, during the election these battalions were used by candidates