Ukraine needs 4-5 years to regain control over the Donbas

Ukraine needs 4-5 years to regain control over the Donbas
The conflict in the Donbas is protracted nature and Ukraine will be able to restore control over the occupied territories after 4-5 years.
The adviser to the chairman of the Security Service Markiyan Lubkivsky said about this on press-briefing.
“This conflict is protracted and it’s impossible to resolve it quickly. Ukraine needs 4-5 years to regain control over the Donbas”, said Lubkivskyi.
Recall the confrontation of violence in the region began in mid-April 2014, when the armed group of pro-Russian activists began to seize administrative buildings and police departments in the cities of Donbass.
Ukrainian authorities announced the antiterrorist operation involving the armed forces. Gradually the confrontation was developed into a large-scale military conflict.
Some of Ukrainian politicians called this war «hybrid war» Russia against Ukraine.

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