IMF: Ukraine slashed gold holdings in October

Ukraine slashed its gold reserves by more than a third in October, data from the International Monetary Fund showed, as the near-bankrupt country reels from fighting a pro-Russian separatist movement in the east. Ukraine ended last month with 26 tonnes of gold, down by 14 tonnes from September,

Ukrainian Energy Minister: Ukraine may make a pre-payment to Russia for gas before Dec. 1

Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuri Prodan said on Tuesday Ukraine may make a pre-payment to Russia for gas before Dec. 1, reiterating that the country expected to buy up to 1.5 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas from Russia by the end of the year. «Purchases will start once the cold sets in. It’s

Ukraine aims to avoid importing gas from Russia

Ukraine aims to avoid using an interim gas deal signed last month for as long as it can and eventually end its reliance on Russian gas through better EU connections, Naftogaz Chief Executive Andriy Kobolyev said on Tuesday. Ukraine and Russia signed an agreement, brokered by the European

Ukraine gas reserves down 8.4 pct since start of heating season

The volume of gas kept in Ukrainian underground gas storages has fallen by around 8.4 percent since Kiev started pumping gas on Oct. 20 for heating in colder weather, state-run gas transport monopoly Ukrtransgaz said on Monday. The company’s spokesman said there were 15.35 billion cubic meters

Poroshenko hopes to sell Roshen soon

Transaction on sale Roshen confectionery holding will be concluded soon. «We are negotiating with one of the largest investment banks about selling. I am confident that we can sign contracts in the near future «- said Poroshenko. Roshen is the leader of the Ukrainian market and one of the world’s

Prodan: Ukraine will probably buy around 1 billion cm of Russian gas by the end of 2014

Ukraine will most probably buy around 1 billion cm of Russian gas by the end of the year, Energy Minister Yuri Prodan said on Friday. Russia, which cut off supplies to Ukraine in June because of a standoff over prices, has insisted that Ukraine pay for future supplies in advance. Until now Kiev has

Ukraine’s cbank says hryvnia has found equilibrium rate of 16 to the dollar

Ukraine’s central bank said on Monday it believed the faltering hryvnia currency had found an equilibrium rate of between 15 and 16 to the dollar, a historic low. «Already it is clear that exporters are starting to sell their earnings, importers don’t want to buy (dollars) more expensively,» the

Ukraine’s currency reserves plummet 23 percent to nine-year low

Ukraine’s foreign currency reserves plummeted by almost a quarter month-on-month in October to $12.6 billion, the central bank said on Friday, due to energy payments and support for the faltering hryvnia currency. Reserves are now at their lowest level since 2005 and the central bank, which drew

Hryvnia currency hits all-time low

Ukraine’s hryvnia closed at a historic low against the dollar on Friday, after the central bank reined in its support for the currency and tensions mounted in rebel-held separatist regions. Alarmed by a crisis that has killed more than 4,000 people and poisoned relations between Kiev and Moscow,

Gazprom calls Ukraine to prepay for November gas supplies

Russian gas company Gazprom has sent Ukraine a bill to prepay for two billion cubic meters of November gas supplies at a price of $378 per thousand cubic meters, the company’s press service told on Friday. «Gazprom has issued a bill to Ukraine’s Naftogaz for November for two billion cubic meters,»

The sequel of Ukraine-Russia gas row

The sticking plaster Russia-Ukraine gas payment deal will unpeel in March with the intensity of the likely next row dependent on a judgement from a legal panel in Sweden. The potential is there for a far more tangled dispute next year as unresolved issues resurface on the question of payment which

Ukraine’s central bank has sold $1.3 bln to help hryvnia

Ukraine’s central bank has spent $1.3 billion defending the hryvnia currency in the past month and a half and has managed to «stabilise» the situation, bank head Valeriia Gontareva said on Monday. Also Gontareva said the bank would hold daily dollar auctions from Wednesday, rather than weekly or

Russia’s Energy Ministry: Ukraine will have to pay $378 for Russian gas

Ukraine will have to pay Russia $378 per 1,000 cubic metres in the fourth quarter of 2014 and $365 in the first quarter of next year,said an official at Russia’s Energy Ministry. Russia and Ukraine are trying to settle a gas dispute after Moscow stopped supplies in June because of unpaid bills by

Ukraine’s position at talks in Brussels: price of Russian gas should be at $365-378

Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk said on Thursday that Ukraine’s position at three-way talks in Brussels was that the price of Russian natural gas should be $378 per 1,000 cubic metres by the end of 2014 and fall to $365 in the first quarter of 2015. Yatseniuk told a government meeting that Kiev was