Poroshenko hopes to sell Roshen soon

Poroshenko hopes to sell Roshen soon
Transaction on sale Roshen confectionery holding will be concluded soon.
«We are negotiating with one of the largest investment banks about selling. I am confident that we can sign contracts in the near future «- said Poroshenko.
Roshen  is the leader of the Ukrainian market and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of confectionery.
It is composed of four Ukrainian factories (Kiev, Vinnitsa, Mariupol and Kremenchug), two production facilities in Lipetsk, Klaipeda confectionery factory in Lithuania, Hungarian enterprise Bonbonetti Choco Kft, and the Dairy Plant «Bershadmoloko.»
Roshen produces about 200 kinds of confectionery products, and total production reaches 450 thousand tons per year.
Previously Poroshenko promised to sell the company in the event if he is elected president.

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