Frank-Walter Steinmeier: “Situation in Ukraine had again become serious“

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Monday the situation in Ukraine’s rebel-held eastern regions had again become serious and all sides must respect a ceasefire agreement. His comments during a visit to Kazakhstan underlined growing concern about an increase in fighting between

Ukrainian Security Service reports about the arrest of former head of counterintelligence

Ukrainian Security Service had detained the former head of counterintelligence B. Bica, he have already giving evidence. Adviser to the head Security Service of Ukraine Markiyan Lubkivsky confirmed information about the detention of the former head of counterintelligence Security Service of Ukraine

Kerry: U.S and Russia had agreed to exchange info on Ukraine crisis

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Saturday that the United States and Russia had agreed to exchange information about the situation on the Russia-Ukraine border. Ukraine’s military accused Russia on Friday of sending a column of 32 tanks and truckloads of troops into the country’s east to

The new coalition plans to announce the full mobilization

Participants of the future coalition have determined what the priority steps towards in the field of defense should take the new government. Parliamentary candidate Yegor Sobolev (party «Samopomich») wrote about this on his page on Facebook. According to him, unit Poroshenko, «Popular Front,»

Foreign Ministry warned Ukrainians against a trip to Pakistan

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry asks citizens to refrain from traveling to Pakistan because of the activation of the terrorists. «Responding to the difficult security situation in Pakistan, in particular, the increasing activities of terrorist and extremist organizations, Foreign Ministry recommends

Security Service of Ukraine opened criminal proceedings on the fact of explosion in school

Security Service of Ukraine opened criminal proceedings on the fact of explosion in the school stadium in Donetsk on Wednesday evening which killed 2 teens, said Speaker Information-Analytical Center of the NSDC Andrey Lysenko. «As a result of the explosion of the artillery shells were killing 2

Ukraine: The new parliament can begin work on December 1

Vladimir Groisman, vice prime minister of regional development predicts start of work of the new parliament on December 1. On Thursday, Groisman said that the coalition agreement should be ready before the first session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. «We have some time till the first meeting of

Stoltenberg: Russian troops moving closer to Ukraine border

Russia has moved troops closer to the border with Ukraine and continues to support rebels in the country’s east, NATO’s chief Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday, after an election held by the pro-Russian separatists and condemned by Kiev and Western leaders. Ukraine’s president said Sunday’s vote

Kiev will never give funds to rebel-led regions

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk said on Wednesday Kiev would never provide any funding to rebel-controlled areas in the east because the government refused «to finance terrorists.» He spoke as the peace deal between the two sides appeared to fray further. Both Ukraine and separatist

Putin regrets that Ukrainian ceasefire has failed

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed concern on Wednesday that a two-month old ceasefire had failed to end what he called civil war in eastern Ukraine. «Despite the Minsk agreements , firing on peaceful cities continues and civilians are still dying,» he was quoted by RIA news agency as

Russia: Ukrainian rebel leaders have ‘mandate’ to negotiate with Kiev

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said that newly elected leaders in eastern Ukrainian separatist regions have a «mandate» to negotiate with Kiev. «The elected representatives of Donetsk and Luhansk regions obtained a mandate to hold negotiations with central Ukrainian authorities to

Zakharchenko has easily won rebel vote in eastern Ukraine

As said vote’s organisers, Alexander Zakharchenko has easily won an election for leadership of a breakaway republic in eastern Ukraine. Sunday’s vote took place in defiance of Kiev’s pro-Western authorities and was certain to worsen the standoff between Russia and the West over the future of

EU won’t recognize East Ukraine Election

An election of separatist leaders in eastern Ukraine is an obstacle to peace and the European Union will not recognize it, the EU’s new foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said on Sunday. «I consider today’s ‘presidential and parliamentary elections’ in Donetsk and Luhansk ‘People’s Republics’

Poroshenko calls on Russia to denounce rebel election

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko condemned eastern separatist elections as illegitimate on Sunday and called on Russia not to recognize the result of the leadership vote. Poroshenko said the election was «a farce, (conducted) under the barrels of tanks and machineguns» that violated a series of