НБУ может стать акционером Привата

Если Приватбанк не вернет Нацбанку полученные кредиты рефинансирования, то НБУ может стать одним из акционеров «Привата». По крайней мере, по состоянию на 31 декабря 2014 8700000 акций ПриватБанка, или 13,46% акционерного капитала, были предоставлены в залог в качестве обеспечения кредитов,

Ukraine meets with investors

Ukrainian authorities met with investors in Washington on Friday as part of an effort to secure agreement on extending maturities of bonds issued by state-run Ukreximbank. In a news release issued following the meeting, Ukraine’s Finance Ministry said it reaffirmed its support for a proposed

Ukraine challenges oligarchs’ grip on energy companies

Ukraine’s judicial authorities moved to curb the influence of the super-rich on Tuesday by challenging tenders that gave leading businessmen control over key power companies under ousted president Viktor Yanukovich. The legal actions targeted the 2012 and 2013 sell-offs of electricity-generating

Ukraine to triple gas imports from Russia in April

Ukraine has asked for 1 billion cubic metres of gas imports from Russia in April, trebling the amount it received in March, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Saturday. On Thursday, Ukraine’s state gas concern Naftogaz and Russia’s Gazprom signed an interim deal for cheaper supplies of

Finance Ministry: Ukrainian government approves framework for $15 billion debt-swap

The Ukrainian government approved on Saturday the framework for Ukraine’s debt restructuring operation through which it aims to generate $15.3 billion, the Finance Ministry said in a statement. Ukraine is due to start talks on a fast-track debt swap with investors including Franklin Templeton,

Ukraine has signed an interim deal for cheaper supplies of gas from Russia

Ukraine has signed an interim deal for cheaper supplies of gas from Russia for the next three months, providing a breathing space for both sides in their protracted wrangle over pricing, Ukrainian energy officials said on Thursday. Previous gas disputes between Ukraine and Russia have affected the

Ukrainian central bank keeps interest rate at 30 pct

Ukraine’s central bank said on Tuesday it would keep its main interest rate at 30 pct, with threats of new currency market destabilisation and expectations of high inflation and devaluation. Following a monetary policy committee meeting last week, the bank said it would cut the refinancing rate

Naftogaz backs extending gas supply deal with Gazprom

Ukrainian state-run energy firm Naftogaz said on Monday it had proposed to Russian gas producer Gazprom that its current gas supply agreement be extended until April 1, 2016, and that it was ready to discuss the proposal. «Naftogaz welcomes the proposal by the European Commission to extend the

American billionaire Soros ready to invest $1 bln in Ukraine

Billionaire financier George Soros is ready to invest $1 billion in Ukraine, if Western countries help private investment there. He also put the odds of Greece leaving the euro at a third, in an interview with Austrian newspaper Der Standard. Soros has previously urged the West to step up aid to

Russia’s $3 billion holding of Ukrainian debt should be classified as ‘official’

Russia’s $3 billion holding of Ukrainian debt should be classified as ‘official’ debt, an IMF spokesman said on Thursday, weighing in on what has become a contentious issue in Kiev’s economic situation. Ukraine, which recently received a $17.5 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund,

IMF: Rules do not allow official arrears

Countries borrowing money from the International Monetary Fund are not allowed to owe debt to other governments, an IMF spokesman said on Thursday. «The fund does maintain a policy of non-toleration of arrears to official bilateral creditors,» IMF spokesman William Murray told reporters. Ukraine,

Делегация из США посетила «Запорожсталь», впереди по курсу — пивзавод

Сегодня завод «Запорожсталь» посетила делегация посольства США в Украине в лице экономического советника Чипа Лайтинена и дипломата экономического отдела Кристофера Греллера. Гостям провели экскурсию по мартеновским печам и цеху холодной прокатки. «Цель поездки — больше узнать, увидеть страну,

Ukraine has sent a small prepayment of $15 million for Russian gas

Ukraine has sent a small prepayment of $15 million to Russia for March natural gas deliveries, energy officials from the two sides said on Friday, after Moscow threatened to cut off supply. In their latest dispute, Ukraine and Russia have argued over who should pay for Russian gas sent to two

Donors plan Ukraine conference in April to raise $15 billion

International donors are planning a conference in Kiev in April to raise at least $15 billion to help save Ukraine from bankruptcy and rebuild the country, a senior EU official said on Monday. Already under an International Monetary Fund programme, Ukraine is seeking an increase in foreign aid to