IMF official sees ‘leeway’ in judging Ukraine’s debt progress

IMF official sees ‘leeway’ in judging Ukraine’s debt progress
The International Monetary Fund will assess the progress of Ukraine’s talks with creditors but does not have to make any decisions in June, when its next review of the country’s $17.5 billion bailout is due, the Fund’s No. 2 official said on Tuesday.
Ukraine’s officials have set themselves a June deadline to complete debt restructuring needed to plug a $15 billion funding gap in the IMF program. Many analysts are skeptical that deadline can be met.
«We have a fair amount of leeway in how we judge the progress at that point,» David Lipton, the IMF’s first deputy managing director, said at an event at the Washington-based Peterson Institute.
«It would be best if Ukraine and its creditors could reach agreement by that point,» he said. «But if we can’t make (a decision) in June, we will figure out how to go forward.»
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