IAAF presidential hopeful Sergey Bubka launches vision for sport

IAAF presidential hopeful Sergey Bubka launches vision for sport
Sergey Bubka has promised a complete review of athletics if he becomes the president of the International Association of Athletics Federations later this year.
Bubka, 51, who is standing against Britain’s Sebastian Coe at the IAAF elections in August, outlined his plans «to ensure that the entire Athletics Family works together to build a stronger sport for the future» in his «Vision 2025″ document on Thursday.
«‘Vision 2025′ will be the most thorough review ever taken into every aspect of athletics worldwide and will be based on collaboration with the athletics family from the very beginning,» added the 1988 Olympic champion, who broke the world pole vault record 35 times.
The Ukrainian wants specialist working groups to examine the widest range of issues and «draw on the best qualified people from athletics as well as experts from other sports and business sectors.»
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