Russian mercenaries are shooting at rebels

Russian mercenaries are shooting at rebels
In Donbas, on the Russian-occupied territory, terrorist forces continue activities to create so-called «Army of New Russia».
This was reported by the coordinator of the group «Information resistance» Dmitry Tymchuk on his page in the social network.
The process of combining armed gangs, which takes place under the control of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces supported by the FSB, accompanied by clashes between armed groups.
It is noted some cases of arrests of representatives of terrorist groups. The most active clashes observed in the southern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, where Russian mercenaries (primarily the so-called «Cossacks») waging an armed struggle with small groups of local militants who had fled from areas of Gorlovka, Makeyevka Yenakiyevo, Stakhanovo and Donetsk.
The command structure of the new «army» is not able to control these terrorist groups on the territory as «Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic.

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