Ukrainian surgeon volunteer: «I’ve found ampoules with poison in the Russian medicine chests»

Ukrainian surgeon volunteer: «I’ve found ampoules with poison in the Russian medicine chests»
Volunteer surgeon Armen Nikoghosyan told about his everyday work in the area of combat operations
His bravery is legendary. Medic volunteer sneaks to the farthest outposts — across the field, in the rain. Sometimes his car can stuck so Armen pushes it and rides further.
He won’t stop by bullets or «Grad».
In July, when the separatists have liquidated 1st checkpoint near Slavyansk, Ukrainian fighters could not break through reinforcement — fire was squally. But Armen jumped in his ambulance and fought his way to the guys.
Physicians should rescue all in the war, said Nikoghosyan.
“By the way, I’ve found ampoules with fast-acting poison in the first aid kits that were left by Russian paratroopers. I think military inject the drug to wounded comrades”, he said.

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