Russian soldier: Shoot the refugees — it was an order

Russian soldier: Shoot the refugees — it was an order
The Russian soldier said that when he was in the Rostov region, he was ordered to shoot at refugees.
Russian news agency “PenzaInform” published video which shows the presentation of the medal «For the return of the Crimea”.
In this video tree residents of Penza became the owners of the new award, established in March — the medal «For the return of the Crimea».
Eugene Firstov, who served on the Ukrainian-Russian border, helped to ensure order in the Rostov region.
In this video Firstov told about that day when «explosion occurred near Rostov customs».
“I and my colleague were put at this border. We were given weapons and said “Don’t let in refugees”. Commander told us: «Shoot to kill». Sure, we would not have shot at them. And we just stood with guns until people had fled. Nobody did anything”, said Eugene Firstov.

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