MH17: Fighting in Ukraine might block access to the crash site

MH17: Fighting in Ukraine might block access to the crash site
Prime Minister Najib Razak vowed to bring to justice the perpetrators of the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17, but said he feared fighting in Ukraine might block access to the crash site.
Razak also said he hoped to see results over the coming months in the search for missing Malaysian jetliner MH370, bringing closer a solution to the world’s greatest aviation mystery. The plane veered off course and disappeared without a trace earlier this year.
Malaysia has been hit by two unprecedented aviation disasters this year — flight MH370’s disappearance in March and the downing of flight MH17 over Ukraine in July. Najib told Reuters Malaysia was determined to continue its search for answers for both.
«We want to pursue this (MH17 investigation) until its logical conclusion, which is to bring to justice the people responsible,» said Razak, speaking on the sidelines of an Islamic finance conference.
«It’s going to be a long, drawn-out process. But we need to do this. We need to show that whoever did it must pay the price. Because you cannot bring down a civilian aircraft … even if you give an excuse that it was unintentional.»
MH17 was en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur with 298 mostly Dutch passengers aboard when, it is widely suspected, a surface-to-air missile shot it down. Kiev blames separatist rebels in east Ukraine and accuses Moscow of arming them. The rebels and Moscow deny the accusations.

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