Independent: Australian couple called for an end to ‘this pointless war in Ukraine’

Independent: Australian couple called for an end to ‘this pointless war in Ukraine’
The parents of three Australian children who were killed when  Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine have released a statement in which they describe their “ongoing hell” and call for an end to the “pointless war”.
Mo, 12, Evie, 10 and Otis, 8, along with their grandfather, Nick Norris, were among those killed when the passenger jet was shot out of the sky on 17 July.
In a statement released by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Anthony Maslin and Marite Norris said: “Our children were taken from us by a war in which we, and our country had no part. It is impossible to understand the reason they were blown out of the sky.
“Our lives are an ongoing hell. The pain we are enduring is unfathomable, and we grieve alongside families in the Ukraine, the Netherlands, Russia, Malaysia, Australia and elsewhere.
“Please respect our children’s memory, and stop this pointless war.”
The three children, from Perth, Western Australia, were flown back to Australia on Thursday. They will now be returned to their parents.
In the statement, Mr Maslin and Ms Norris paid tribute to their children, who they described as their “entire world”.
“Our love and respect for our children remains unlimited and unconditional. It will never weaken,” the statement adds.
“We have been two of the luckiest and happiest people on the planet. What remains for us now is to honour our children.
«No hate in the world is as strong as the love we have for our children, for Mo, for Evie, for Otis.
«No hate in the world is as strong as the love we have for Grandad Nick.»

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